...stuff I do and things I like...

Monday, December 12 2005


on Friday Dec. 09. another UCSB iCTF took place once again. As always I was just helping out (the main work is done by others Greg,Vika and Marco) writing services, placing backdoors and doing what ever is needed. Every time the event gets bigger and bigger, this time there were 22 teams with about 20 players each plus 2-5 admins for each team and about 10+ people at UCSB organizing - this is about 500 people!

In the last years teams from Italy dominated the CTF, but not this time! The winners are all German speaking #1 Aachen, #2 Vienna and #3 Darmstadt. The full scoreboard with all teams is here.

This was really fun, even for just watching the teams fighting each other :-)


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