...stuff I do and things I like...

Tuesday, May 25 2010

Mobile Security News May 2010 Part 2

A paper on mobile phones as bugging devices: Roving Bugnet: Distributed Surveillance Threat and Mitigation.

Black Hat USA 2010 talks: Base Jumping: Attacking GSM Base Station Systems and mobile phone Base Bands by The Grugq. I'm really wondering about this talk. You will be billed $90,000 for this call by Mikko Hypponen. This talk sounds like fun. More Bugs In More Places: Secure Development On Moble Platforms by David Kane-Parry. Attacking phone privacy by Karsten Nohl.

Too bad that I decided to skip most cons this year. But PH-Neutral coming up this weekend. See u guys there!

Tuesday, May 18 2010

Mobile Security News Update May 2010

EuSecWest moved to June and to Amsterdam but still looks promising. So far two talks look interesting: Immature Femtocels by Ravishankar Borgaonkar & Kevin Redon, Technical University of Berlin and BlackBerry Proof-of-Concept malicious applications by Mayank Aggarwal, SMobile Systems. I hope to see more mobile stuff at EuSec. I would really like to go but I have too many other stuff todo.

Somebody claims to have found a iPhone data protection vulnerability . I haven't checked it out myself.

Waiting to see some of you at Ph-Neutral. Only 2 weeks to go!

Monday, May 10 2010

My old Palm Stuff needs to go!

I'm kind of clearing out my basement, to get rid of stuff I don't use any more or haven't used in a couple of years. So I found this big bag with a lot of Palm OS devices. A Palm Pilot Professional (with Palm III upgrade board), a TRGpro, HandEra 330, Sony Clie 300, and a Palm Tungsten T3. And of course a whole bunch of Cradles (docking stations), cables, and styli.

So I'm actually looking into selling or giving away the complete collection as one big package. I really loved that stuff and my Palm Pilot was the device that more or less got me started writing software in C. So if you are or know any collectors please let me know, or write me if YOU are a collector or otherwise interested in the stuff.