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Monday, January 02 2012

Mobile Security News Update January 2012

so 2011 is history, it was a fun year for us mobile people. Many things happened many things got hacked - just great.

In the last few days I have been reading some of those security predictions for 2012 (this year!). Most of them 1 2 3 4 5 are kinda boring since these are things that are already happening. Never the less these will very likely become reality.

In the mobile area these seem to be:

Android as the target for mobile malware attacks. This is already happening as Android became the major smartphone platform last year.

Mobile Markets such as the AppStore and Android Market as a key issue problem solver in the mobile field.

More Monetization as mobile malware evolves we will see more monetization of it. This is especially interesting for everything that involves spending money using a smartphone. Not only SMS, but advertisement, in-App payment, the phone as a credit card, etc..

Happy mobile security research 2012 to everybody!


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