...stuff I do and things I like...

Thursday, April 12 2012

Mobile Security News Update April 2012

It has been a while but I was travelling a lot for work and fun so I really didn't have time.

    Hackito Ergo Sum in Paris just started today. This seems to be one of the cool new European Security Cons. I actually wanted to attend but after almost 7 weeks of travelling no chance. The program looks very mixed but they have a few mobile talks: Hacking the NFC credit cards for fun and debit by Renaud Lifchitz, TBD (Android Exploitation) by Georg Wicherski.

    SyScan Singapore iOS Kernel Heap Armageddon by Stefan Esser, iOS Applications - Different Developers, Same Mistakes by Paul Craig, and Exploiting the Linux Kernel: Measures and Countermeasures (not a mobile talk but sounds interesting) by Jon Oberheide.
Upcoming in June without program yet: SummerCon in NYC (sadly I can't make it), Recon in Montreal (which I try to make).

On the academic front please consider submitting to WOOT one of my favorite workshops!


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