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Thursday, October 23 2014

Mobile Security News Update October 2014

Time files, I've been super busy the last two month and will be busy until mid/end of November. I just relaized that I haven't posted anything in September at all.

    Hack.Lu October 21-24: Stripping the controversial FinFisher application for Android phones by Attila Marosi; SherlockDroid, an Inspector for Android Marketplaces by Axelle Apvrille, Ludovic Apvrille

    PacSec Tokyo, Nov 12-13: An Infestation of Dragons: Exploring Vulnerabilities in the ARM TrustZone Architecture by Josh "m0nk" Thomas, Charles Holmes, Nathan Keltner; Hey, we catch you - dynamic analysis of Android applications by Wenjun Hu; Root via SMS: 4G access level security assessment by Sergey Gordeychik, Alexander Zaytsev; Blowing up the Celly - Building Your Own SMS/MMS Fuzzer by Brian Gorenc and Matt Molinyawe.

    DeepSec Vienna, Nov 18-21: Mobile SSL Failures by Tony Trummer & Tushar Dalvi; TextSecure and RedPhone-bring them to iOS by Christine Corbett; Creating a kewl and simple Cheating Platform on Android by Milan Gabor & Danijel Grah

There is again a new talk on SMS and MMS fuzzing. I really wonder what is going to be different from all the previous work?



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