Wednesday, May 23 2012
Black Hat USA has more or less publish the speaker list. Very mixed but some mobile stuff as always.
Defcon started to publish some talks. So far one talk on mobile spyware.
Security week in Europe, we have:
HITB in Amsterdam, Confidence in Krakow, BerlinSides in Berlin lets hope all the people who fly out for HITB and Confidence make it over to Berlin for the weekend.
Wednesday, May 09 2012
Hack in The Box Amsterdam has a number mobile talks this year
SummerCon has some Android related talks by Jon, Charlie, and myself :)
Recon looks pretty good this year: GPUs for Mobile Malware, Mitigation and More Thinking outside-the-CPU by Jared Carlson. Baseband debugging by Ralf-Philipp Weinmann. The other talks also look quite interesting. Happy to attend this year!
Black Hat USA is starting to post talks: most interesting so far is the Windows Phone 7 talk by Tuskasa Oi
Nordic Security Conference seem to be a new conference out in Reykjavik Iceland. They also seem to have some mobile talks.
So I will be going to SummerCon this year after all! I'm staying in NYC for a few days even after SummerCon. Ping me if you want to meet.
Other news:
20 years of SMS I for sure had a lot of fun with SMS over the last years :)
Some fun: