...stuff I do and things I like...

Sunday, November 23 2008

Random Phone Stuff

...from the weekend. On Friday I got my new Nokia 6212 classic Nokia's next NFC-enabled mobile phone. I haven't played much with it yet, but I will during my vacation before the 25th Chaos Communication Congress (25C3) where I will do a talk on attacking NFC mobile phones.

I also finally jailbroken my iPhone after using it for two month. I must say I should have done it earlier but I wanted to check it out in the state most consumers use it. I actually only started looking at the whole iPhone software scene today after the jailbreak. The funniest part was to realize that I kind of know the guy (Jay Freeman) behind Cydia (the apt-based software installer) from going to the same University (of California Santa Barbara). Playing with all the free stuff will keep me busy for the next weeks I guess.

Of course I also updated my iPhone to OS version 2.2 to verify that Apple fixed the bug that I reported. As far as I can see they fixed it. Google Street View looks cool, but seems slow, also it doesn't cover either Frankfurt nor Darmstadt. Being able to switch of keyboard auto correction is great. Podcast download on the device is the best new feature of course.

Last but not least I'm looking for a place to buy a unlocked (no sim/net-lock) Android-based G1 without a contract. I'm in Germany so I need some online shop that will ship to Germany. I want a good price of course. Any hints will be highly appreciated.


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