SiteStak Demo

We encourage you to try out our SiteStak demo machine — it's a fully functional unit sitting on our T1 link to our ISP.

As you enter the demo, you will be prompted for a user name and password. They are:
User name: Password: IADM_SITESTAK-DEMO (use all caps)

As you explore, please be aware of the following:

  • When accessing the ADD A WEBSITE page, the only field you will change is the web site name; all others are pre-determined.
  • On the CONFIGURE SERVER page, you cannot change any settings.
  • Once you've created a web site, your content will not be preserved; we will be deleting web sites periodically.
Other than these conditions, this demo unit works exactly like the real thing.

To exit the demo (back to the SiteStak main page), use the EXIT DEMO button at the top of each page.

Access to this demo is subject to these (linked) Terms and Conditions.