bluetooth @ MUlliNER.ORG
Hello and welcome to my bluetooth(tm) section. Here you can find various bluetooth related things I'm working on. This is mainly a collection
of links/references to some of my other pages, don't expect too much new stuff here.
What is bluetooth? Bluetooth is a short range wireless technology. It's main purpose is to replace stuff like IrDA (infrared) and cables (for mobile phone<->PDA or
PDA<->PC communication), Bluetooth is no networking technology. For detailed information check
Because of high demand I now have a BlueSpam FAQ
Some good introductions to bluetooth can be found here:
The Bluetooth Location Tracker Project
A project I'm doing together with two others. It's a system for tracking persons using the Bluetooth device they are carrying. See the
project web page for more information.
My PalmOS bluetooth stuff
After some years I finally upgraded my Palm device collection to a Tungsten|T3 which has Bluetooth. After playing around a bit I really got
attracted to BlueJacking (sending nice little messages to other peoples mobile phones). Therefor I
created a small program called BlueSpam. BlueSpam is exactly what the name tells you
it's a OBEX spamming tool (but it's friendly). It was fun for about one month and you could show off very well with it.
For protecting my own Palm against BlueSpam I wrote a program called BtClass. With
this program you can change the Bluetooth device Class of your Palm to any value. BlueSpam only searches for a certain class of Bluetooth
devices so changing the class to a non interesting class saves you from being spammed.
Also I upgraded my Palm file manager GentleMan to know about Bluetooth.
bluetooth device security database
During my Bluetooth experiments with PalmOS I noticed that Bluetooth could be a security risk. Also during the same time some very serious
bugs in mobile phone software were found and published. Therefor I decided to start a project for creating a database to collect information
about devices with Bluetooth and their default security settings. See the project website for more information.
BT Audit (formerly known as PSM scan)
While starting the bluetooth device security database a friend and I had an idea. We thought that some Bluetooth devices could have some
so called developer or service backdoors. The best place for these backdoors would be the L2CAP layer because there are about
32000 PSMs (Protocol Service Multiplexers). For everybody not familiar with Bluetooth the PSMs could be seen like TCP/UDP port in TCP/IP.
Therefor I wrote a small PSM scanner for BlueZ (Linux).
Mean while I added a new tool called RFCOMM scan, it does what the name says - it lets you scan the RFCOMM channels. OK I know there
are only 30 channels but this makes it really easy to do a quick check. The tools work smoothly with my Nokia7650 but it really sucks
scanning my Tungsten|T3. Just download it and scan your Bluetooth device and don't forget sending me your results.
The Chaos Messaging System for Mobile Devices
The chaos messaging system is a very old idea of me. It is a Bluetooth based messaging system. I never had the time or resources to implement it.
By now I just wrote down the idea. Sadly I have discovered that somebody all ready implemented a system like this (there is all ways somebody with
a equal idea), the implementation is for PocketPC only and not free nor open. Here is the link to it: ProximityMail.
Bluetooth Joke of the Day (BJOD)
Bluetooth Joke of the Day (BJOD) is a small news feeder which works over Bluetooth/OBEX. With this you can
provide a news feed to any Bluetooth enabled mobile/smart phone or PDA without installing any software
on the devices!
It basically searches for all discoverable Bluetooth devices, then checks if a specific device is known, if it is
and the user wants the feed, it is send. If the device is not configured to get the feed, it is ignored.
If the device is unknown a one-time introduction is send (this can be switched off). The whole system is OPT-IN
this means users need to request the feed.
The current version is a perl script, you just need a Linux box with BlueZ installed. Have fun and report success!
Also I'm writing a small document about the whole idea - I have some nice stuff which is not implemented jet ;-)
btfs - Bluetooth FileSystemMapping
btfs is a virtual users space filesystem created with FUSE that integrates
some basic Bluetooth functions into the filesystem. A simple ls DEVICES shows all devices within range and
cp somefile OPUSH/devicename sends a file via OBEX to the device. See the README and MANUAL file for more details.
The creation of this thing was quite funny, on an evening I hung out with some guys and we tried to tease each other by
sending random files to each others laptop via Bluetooth. The point was that the others never had used their Bluetooth stuff before
but had a nice GUI application for sending files. I didn't want to use the GUI tool but my shell script was to in flexible to compete
with them. Some hours later I had the idea that it would be cool to have these functionality in the filesystem ... so here is it!
btChat - a Bluetooth based IM system
btChat is a Bluetooth(tm) based chatting/IM system
The idea behind btChat is to have a instant (zero configuration) chatting or instant messaging system which can be used nearly every where.
See the application page for more information.
BluePrinting (nothing to do with printing!)
BluePrinting is a fingerprinting method for Bluetooth devices (similar to what nmap is for TCP/IP). More details on
the project page.
The Bluetooth StarTrek Communicator
The idea is fairly simple. Build a system thru which you can use your Bluetooth headset to talk to other people with just the push of a button. BEEP ... Ricker to Pickard.
sobexsrv - or the scripting obex server is a small obex server based on openobex.
It just provides the basic commands to implement most functions you need. The
actual functions are implemented by an external program (or script) which is
called for every client command send to the server. The handler scripts are
super easy to build, it gets the information about the current session and
command via stdin and sends back the answer via stdout and the script return
code. Through this one can control access to the daemon and in the future trigger
the Bluetooth lowlevel security features (authentication and encryption).
A handler script for OPUSH and OBEXFTP is included, so you get a full functional OBEX server.
epox-presenter is an application
written my Marcel Holtmann to use the EPoX Bluetooth Presenter BT-PM01B. I just added support
for Generic Bluetooth Headsets to the tool. Therefore you can use mostly any Bluetooth
headset to navigate through your slideshow/presentation. It basically converts the volume keys to
X key press events. The key events can be set through the command line to fit your application
Download: epox-presenter-0.4.tar.gz (Nov. 07. 2005)
is a soft-HID Bluetooth Keyboard. A software implementation of a Bluetooth HID
keyboard. See xkbd-bthid site for more details.
HID Attack
A Proof-of-Concept attack against Bluetooth HID keyboard implementation. See the project page
for details and the PoC-tool. More Fun with Blue Radio Waves.pdf
Bluetooth OBEX sniffer based on the Frontline Bluetooth Sniffer Firmware for the CSR bluecore-4 Bluetooth
chip. The name and project BlueDrift was inspired by Driftnet. No I don't have sniffer firmware images for you!
Other peoples stuff (links):
Mon Apr 20 17:44:37 CEST 2009
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